2024 Club Championship Results

Congratulations to all who competed in the Vet’s, Women’s and Men’s Club Championships for 2024.

Total Vet’s Rounds = 226

Total Women’s Rounds = 264

Total Men’s Rounds = 554

Vet’s Winners:

  • Div 1 – Geoff Barnes
  • Div 2 – Keith Bell
  • Div 3 – Jules Gibson
  • Div 4 – Tony Ansell

Women’s Winners:

  • Club Champion – Jane Dell
  • Div 2 Champion – Kerry Lollback
  • Div 3 Champion – Ann Wilkie
  • Vets Champion – Jane Dell

Men’s Winners:

  • Club Champion – Kyle Underwood
  • A Reserve Champion – Brent Thompson
  • B Grade Champion – Dylan Stone
  • C Grade Champion – Kai Farrelly
  • Senior Champion – Andrew Smith
  • Junior Champion – Max Wiggins