Re: Course Masterplan Update

Greetings members,

We would like to thank all members that have provided us with feedback over the past 6 months since we presented the Craig Parry Course Masterplan to the members in December 2023. The Course Development Committee and the Board of Directors have continued to look at the feasibility of the plan, whilst also considering suggested amendments received from the membership.

During the past 6 months we have undertaken further due diligence with the plan, including:

Mapping of services through the property, which can affect placement of key infrastructure

Reviewing the performance of the 4th green precinct including any learning outcomes

Construction costs and options to provide best value for money returns

Options for the 9th hole, 9A (cadet) hole and practice area

Additional areas of consideration in the plans – in particular, cart paths & drainage

Landscape plans, including approved species for our geographical location

7th tee trials in alternate location

Implementation and works schedule

As a result of the above considerations, including membership feedback, we are working with Craig Parry to make some adjustments to the plan. Once the Course Development Committee and Board of Directors endorse these adjustments to the Masterplan, we will be distributing to the membership. At this time, all Golfing Members will be provided the opportunity to vote to proceed. Voting will be undertaken via a 3rd party (Voting Management) organisation and will consist of online, SMS or in club (secured), all of which will be secret ballot.

Now that the plan is in an amendment stage, we ask that members please refrain from making further submissions to the Board of Directors.

Thank you again for all the feedback received and we look forward to providing the amended plan shortly.

Kind Regards

Andrew Porter

General Manager