During May, the board approved an amended budget for the installation of the new Cafe / Kiosk. The board has also approved and engaged builder Elemental Living to oversee the project through to completion.
Whilst the DA has already been approved, we are now working through our construction certificate and section 68 application via our private certifier. Developer contributions have been paid to council in readiness for undertaking works. We anticipate onsite works will commence very soon.
As part of the site works to make the kiosk operational, please see below expected works to complete:
- Move kiosk from current position and prepare for connections to services
- Minor earthworks for services and preparation for foundations
- Construct piers for kiosk and deck
- Move kiosk and deck into final position, fix in place
- Alterations internally and access doorway added per DA conditions
- Installation of grease trap
- Connection to services
- Commissioning of pre-installed equipment
- Construction of concrete access pathways around kiosk, access door and deck
- Treatment and repainting of outside of kiosk
- Landscaping of surrounds
- Transfer of kiosk trading to new location.
As we proceed forward, we will give regular updates of the progress. We appreciate members patience whilst this project has taken much longer than anticipated. We look forward to the completion of the kiosk and surrounds.
Regards Ballina Golf & Sports Club Team