Cart Shed Security Upgrades

You may have noticed some work being carried out at the cart sheds recently.

We have made some significant upgrades to the doors, notably the new alarming all roller doors and exits and upgrading beams and motors to two doors (one pending).

What does this mean for shed users?

  1. The door will open using your key. When the beam is broken (by walking through or driving your cart in and out), it will send a delay of four minutes to the motor controller. This will give you ample time to park your cart and cover it before leaving. Should the door close while you are putting the cart away, there is an exit button that will open the door. There is no need to trip the switch to keep the door up.
  2. On dark in winter and at 7pm during daylight saving, the shed doors will be padlocked shut. Members do not have access to a padlock key. Every effort must be made to have your cart put away before this time.

We trust you appreciate the upgrades that have been made to securely store your cart.